
Alıntı: Terry Pratchett - Discworld - Unseen Academicals

Juliet's version of cleanliness was next to godliness, which was to say it was erratic, past all understanding and was seldom seen.


"...and we can take this huge universe and put it inside a very tiny head: you fold it."

Şu aralar feci takmış durumdayım: Shpongle - Around the World in a Tea Daze.


an extrospective thought

I don't see what people who aren't already dating me see in me.



Bloga write-only yaza yaza emo olduk... Bi anlasaniz var ya, super insanim; icimde dunyalar kavruluyor, bitiyor, ama... Hayat! Anlayan yok. Yasayan yok. Derinim. Aaah, ahh...

and I'll smile and I'll learn to pretend

the more steps I take [forward], the more I realize that the path is mostly a loop...


Alıntı: Terry Pratchett - Discworld - Interesting Times

Adventure! People talked about the idea as if it was something worthwhile, rather than a mess of bad food, no sleep and strange people inexplicably trying to stick pointed objects in bits of you. The root problem, Rincewind had come to believe, was that he suffered from pre-emptive karma. If it even looked as though something nice was going to happen to him in the near future, something bad would happen right now. And it went on happening to him right through the part where the good stuff should be happening, so that he never actually experienced it. It was as if he always got the indigestion before the meal and felt so dreadful that he never actually managed to eat anything. Somewhere in the world, he reasoned, there was someone who was on the other end of the see-saw, a kind of mirror Rincewind whose life was a succession of wonderful events. He hoped to meet him one day, preferably while holding some sort of weapon.


Ass Production

You should come with a warning label.




This one goes out to you. As you're [probably not] waiting on this gods-forsaken planet as I am [possibly not] waiting for you-- hey! May your life be as interesting as mine has been, on memories mine and others'. Don't take too long, will you? I'll try not to.

Your archangel in bondage.


Alıntı: Terry Pratchett - Discworld - The Fifth Elephant

He'd noticed that sex bore some resemblance to cookery: It fascinated people, they sometimes bought books full of complicated recipes and interesting pictures, and sometimes when they were really hungry they created vast banquets in their imagination—but at the end of the day they'd settle quite happily for egg and chips, if it was well done and maybe had a slice of tomato.


detached dialogue

— Tell me. Out of thousands of gods, big and small, old and new, how many do you believe in?
— The Only One and True God.
— Just the one?
— Yes.
— Well, we're quite similar there. I just believe in one less god than you do.
— No, in this case it's a big difference. One and zero. Everything and nothing. Life and Death. Without even a speck of belief, you are lost.
— Lost? No. Others may be lost. You are found. I, on the other hand, am just... finding.


Alıntı: Terry Pratchett - Discworld - THUD!

Fun. What is it good for?

It's not pleasure, joy, delight, enjoyment, or glee. It's a hollow, cruel, vicious little bastard, a word for something sought with hilarious couples of wobbly antennae on your head and the words I WANT IT! on your shirt, and it tends to leave you waking up with your face stuck to the street.


Yeni Kelimeler 4

Kesmeli Mescit: Şehrin genç insanlarının gezdiği kalabalık sokak, barlar sokağı.

Sikişki: Ks. Seviyesiz İlişki

Fon Dibi: Biriktirilen paranın alkole yatması ile gelen parasızlık durumu.


A Quote from Creation

"We should make this full moon a monthly thing."


[status update] aib is...

...reliving reality with an unusually low concentration of drugs. And not liking it.


Hayatım hep mutluluğu uzakta aramak ile yakında aramak arasında dönmeyle geçti. Oysa şu hayatta hem miyop hem de hipermetrop olmak varmış...
(From the album: Variations on the Blissfulness of Ignorance)



Never miss a lover's birthday unless it happens to coincide with the day of your death.



Ever get the feeling that you're meant to do more in life?

Hold on to it.


Evrim Teorisi Çöktü!

Yaratılışın ve İnsanlığın Efendisi Tanrı (M.Ö. 14.327.816.588 — ?) muhabirimizle yaptığı röportajda, bilim dünyasını derinden etkileyecek açıklamalarda bulundu. Tanrı, evrimin bir "feature" (özellik) değil, "bug" (bilgisayar programı hatası, istenmeyen yan etki, böcek) olduğunu söyledi. Orjinal proje tanımında yer almayan bu "özellik" tamamen kaza eseri ortaya çıkmış. Projenin ilk aşamalarında evrimin ağzında olta iğnesi olan su canlılarına sonuç verdiğini gören Tanrı, sorunu memelilere gelene kadar çözememiş. Ancak maymunları izlerken "evrim" fikrine ısındığını da itiraf eden Tanrı, "uçsuz bucaksız bir yerde yaşamasına rağmen kendi kafasının içinden dahi küçük bir alanda düşünen varlıkları izlemenin" kendisine keyif verdiğini söyledi. Röportajın tamamı 2. sayfada. ■ (Bilim)


Dünya yuvarlak değilmiş!

Omicron Persei 8 gezegeni yetkilileri, dün yaptıkları basın açıklamasında Dünya'nın aslında düz olduğunu, dünyalıların 3.5 boyuta sınırlı kaldıkları için gezegeni yuvarlak gibi gördüklerini açıkladı. 6'da. ■


İstanbul Narkotik Şube Müdürlüğü, "Farmville Operasyonu" için start aldı. ■3


İsa'nın ikinci ziyaretine ne giymeli? ■12


2012 kıyametine formda girin. ■8


Akdeniz Sirenleri bu seneki 27. albümlerini piyasaya sürmeye hazırlanıyor. ■16